The first part of a payment collection letter is the formal request for payment. You should state that the amount owed is past due and request a reply. This letter should be sent using certified mail because the recipient is required to sign for receipt. Having proof of receipt is important if you decide to take legal action. The next part of a payment collection letter includes a reminder of the due date and asking for payment. You should also include the date on which you expect the debt to be paid.
The body of the letter should contain the following information: the date of the due date, the dollar amount, the name and address, and the calendar date. The letter should be as detailed as possible. Providing the details of the debt can be difficult if the customer does not respond in a timely manner. However, you should always try to contact the customer to ensure that he/she is willing to pay. If you receive a response that you do not like, consider requesting a second chance.
The second part of a payment collection letter is a reminder. You should explain why the debt is past due and what you will do if you do not receive payment on time. You should also state that you have hired a lawyer or have filed for bankruptcy. If you are able to reach a resolution, the letter should inform the debtor of the legal actions. If you do not reach an agreement, the collector will send a letter with the threats of legal action.